Results/Videos: Khayal Dzhaniev, Dzianis Zuev, Superbon, Ekaterina Vandaryeva etc winners at Kunlun Fight 38

Results/Videos: Khayal Dzhaniev, Dzianis Zuev, Superbon, Ekaterina Vandaryeva etc winners at Kunlun Fight 38

Hereunder results and videos of the 38th edition of Kunlun Fight organized in collaboration with Buakaw Banchamek’s event: Super Muay Thai; the event took place on Sunday, 21st February 2016, at Pattaya’s Indoor Athletics Stadium (News). Also this edition was attended by great names, such as: Dzianis Zuev, Pong Thong, Superbon Banchamek, Khayal Dzhaniev,

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Card: Dzhaniev, Superbon, Zuev, Miyakoshi, Risco etc at Kunlun Fight 38 – Pattaya – 21/02/2016

Card: Dzhaniev, Superbon, Zuev, Miyakoshi, Risco etc at Kunlun Fight 38 – Pattaya – 21/02/2016

The 38th edition of the great Chinese Kickboxing series of events: Kunlun Fight (Kunlun Fight 38 – KF38) will take place on 21st February 2016 in Pattaya, Thailand, such as the first edition held around 2 years ago (News);  this edition is organized in collaboration with Buakaw’s new series of events: Super Muay Thai. Kunlun Fight keeps growing and is

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