Training in Thailand

Training in Thailand


Where to train?

Lately, the number of people travelling to Thailand for a training holiday is growing exponentially. So, we thought it would be interesting to help our readers choosing the most suitable place for them to train Muay Thai.
Muay Farang agency can answer and suggest solutions that match each reader’s very personal expectations.
Therefore, who would like to benefit from this totally free consultancy, will just have to answer some questions that will help us understand what he/she is looking for and where to direct him/her.

Here is what Muay readers will have to tell us :

  • If they have any experience of training in Thailand, if it matched their expectation and if it actually developed growth in praticing Muay Thai.
  •  How did they choose the camp where they trained or how will they choose it?
  • What budget do they have for their next training holiday or how did they find the prices now that Euro and Dollar are weaker compared to the Baht?
  • The 3 main things that, according to the readers, a camp has to offer.
  • What else do is expected from this kind of holiday other that training?

Answers can be sent to
The reader will receive the advice within 10 days.