Card: Giorgio Petrosyan vs Erkan Varol – Thai Boxe Mania 2015 – 24/1/15 – Turin, Italy

Card: Giorgio Petrosyan vs Erkan Varol – Thai Boxe Mania 2015 – 24/1/15 – Turin, Italy

Here the full card of the big Muay Thai (Full rules & Glory/Fight Code Rules) Italian event: “Thai Boxe Mania 2015“, organized by Carlo Barbuto (Thai Boxe Torino Gym), Alex Negro & Carlo di Blasi (Fight 1).

As announced in this News (Link), the champion and living legend Giorgio Petrosyan, after a 1 year stop, gets back on the ring and will face the Turkish Erkan Varol.

A card rich of great names, in fact besides of Giorgio, it features also his brother Armen Petrosyan who will face the French Joris Bodoignet, the Italians Christian Zahe, Vittorio Iermano, Filippo Solheid, the Romanian Lucian Danilencu and many others.

The event will take place at “Palaruffini” in Turin (Italy – Viale Burdin 10,  10141 Torino) – Info & Tickets.

Full Card:

Thai boxe mania torino turin muay thai fight 1 carlo barbuto carlo di blasi giorgio armen petrosyan

Chok Dee