Christian Zahe’s humble journey towards conquering Bangkok’s top stages

Christian Zahe’s humble journey towards conquering Bangkok’s top stages

Christian zahe championChristian Zahe, in six monts became “Chris 7 Muay Thai Gym” and a rural village in Rayong province (Thailand) became his home. Arrived from the wealthy hills of the city of Turin (Italy), despite not being a young boy anymore, he adapted to sharing a room with the nak muays of the Thai camp.
Accompanied by M, Carlo Barbuto, a veteran of the Kingdom of Siam and with a deep knowledge of camps and training methods, Christian went to verify the reliability and professionalism of the team of 7 Muay Thai gym for a short while, and than decided to move there long term.

After the first month of training, seen his experience and his known name in Europe, he was put in front of a top Thai fighter, Petchtanong Banchamek, against who he fought a great fight and lost on points, and from which were highlighted the differences in styles, on which intelligently, the Ajarn and the team of trainers of 7MT camp made him work on.

Until now he did 7 fights in 6 months and the results are notable:
– Main event at Super Muay Thai (promoted by Buakaw) live on national TV
– Selecred among the best 16 fighters in Bangkok at 70kg for “Super Muay Thai Marathon“.
– Winning the belt of the army stadium in North Thailand, precisely Kawila Boxing Stadium in Chiang Mai.
– 2 consecutive wins at Lumpinee Stadium, the last against a strong french fighter Sliman Zegnoun of the known Singpatong gym (known for brining Damien Alamos to the Lumpinee belt and Rafi Bohic to attempt the same). A friend but also rival camp for 7 Muay Thai Gym captain by Mathias Gallo Cassarino, who othee than continuing to collect successes he is bringing his team mates to high levels in the Bangkok stadiums.

The thing that impressed Muay Thai experts is how, in a few months, Zahe was able to transform his style, keeping his good boxing and footwork, adding some good clinch and points control with middle kicks, so hard to underatand and even more to put to use by “farang” fighters.

As you know I passed 30 yo but I kept my humble spirit, so when I understood that to win I had to free my mind and listen to the screams of Ajarn Preecha, even if I was heavily annoyed by them at the start, I did, and now I thank him and all the staff of 7MT gym for the kicks in the butt, because thats how you improve. In the morning when you are running and you have a trainer behind on the bike, beeping and shouting to go faster, you want to kill him but in the long run you understand that he does it for you, and when you get your hand raised and you have a belt around your waist and you remeber you are in the homeland of Muay Thai, then you know that your team is your family and the shouting is for success” sayd Christian Zahe when we asked him to tell us briefly if it was hard to make this evolution or perfection.

Great words, that young fighters should listen and than listen again. The humility of Christian is probably his secret weapon, united with determination and dedication in the trainings.

Here a few fight videos of the last few months:

Christian vs Petchtanong Banchamek

Christian vs Mopeenah

Christian vs Changpuek Muay Thai Academy

Ultimo match: Christian vs Siliman – Lumpinee Stadium

Chok dee