Mathias on Karate Bushido June 2014

Mathias on Karate Bushido June 2014


Interesting article published on French Martial Arts magazine ‘Karate Bushido’ (available on-line).

We read with pleasure that even French experts agree with the general opinion, in fact, the journalist writes very clearly:


< Mathias Gallo Cassarino, World WPMF 59Kg Champion, who lives in Pattaya, Thailand had no difficulty facing the Thai Thailandese Rungravee Sasiprapa.
A match that took place on 14th April in Surin Provice of Thailand (located 600km North East of Bangkok) at the “Combat Banchamek” event.
During the 3 rounds, the Italian attacked consistently. He put, who we call the Muay Thai “bulldozer”, into serious difficulties.

After nine minutes of intense attacks by the two nak muays the match ended in a draw.

The majority of the experts at ringside saw Mathias win on points.>

Original text in French 
< Mathias Gallo Cassarino, champion du Monde WPMF des 59Kg et qui vit en Thailande a’ Pattaya, n’a fait aucun complete face au Thailandais Rungravee Sasiprapa. Un combat qui s’est deroule’ le 14 avril a’ Surin (situe’ a’ 600 K,m au Nord – Est de Bangkok), lors du gala “Banchamek”. Durant les trois reprises, l’Italien a fait front sansa jamais rompre, bien au contraire. Il a mis en difficulte’ celui que l’on surnomme le “bulldozer” du Muay. Apres neuf minutes d’une joute intense, les deux nak muay se sont separes sur un match nul. La plupart des observateurs presents au bord du ring voyaient le transalpine l’emporter aux points. >

Karate Bushido - Mathias Gallo Cassarino by Muay Farang