Card: Oktagon 2015 featuring Giorgio Petrosyan, Enriko Kehl, Sinsamut Sor Klinmee, Solheid, Haida, Kaoponlek ect – Milan – 11th April 2015
The 20th edition of the famous Italian event: Oktagon will take place in Milan on 11th April 2015 and is confirmed to be most awaited Italian event after Thai Boxe Mania held in Turin few months ago (News).
In the card is present only 1 fighter promoted by Muay Farang: the young Thai fighter Sinsamut Sor Klinmee who will face the strong Italian opponent Filippo Solheid of Master Carlo Barbuto (News).
Also in the card the strong athlete Mustapha Haida who will face Pasquale Mangini, the Thai Sak Kaoponlek who will fight his last match of his long career against Dzmitry Varats, and the super champion Giorgio Petrosyan, who after his last victory at Thai Boxe Mania against Erkan Varol (Video), will face the German Enriko Kehl (News).
here the full card: