Sindy Huyer for Muay Farang at the new reality show Muay Thai Angels

Sindy Huyer for Muay Farang at the new reality show Muay Thai Angels

Update:  Updated news and info about the reality!


– The winner will bring home a new Toyota Vios (around 650.000 Baht – around 16.000€) plus  1.000.000  Bath in cash (around 25.000€) and the WMA belt (World MuayThai Angels)

-The first classified will bring home the ammount of 500.000 Baht (around 12.000€)

-The second classified will get 300.000 Baht (around 7.000€)

-The third classified will get 200.000 Baht  (around 5.000€)


The dates of the show: 

The fights will be broadcasted live on Thai MCOT Channel 9 (Modern Nine Tv Station)

-First round will be on October 2, 2013 (from 16 initial participants to 8)  Central Plaza Ladprao, Bangkok from H16.00 to  H18.00 (Thai Time).

-Second round will be on November 7, 2013 (from 8 to 4 participants) in Central Plaza Changwattana, Nothamburi/Bangkok from H16.00 to H18.00 (Thai time).

-Third round (Finals) will be held on Christmas day  (25 December) in Central World, Bangkok from H16.00 to H18.00 (Thai time).

Discover the Sexy Angels in the Reality!

Training and shootings (Filming) will be placed in Baan MuayThai in Bangkok province:



Prod-1Sindy Huyer (promoted by Muay Farang) will rappresent Italy in the new Reality Show for only Woman Fighters “Muay Thai Angels”.

The tournament/reality it’s composed by 14 fighters (womens) from all over the world plus 2 Thai (8 vs 8 first turn).

The final winner will get the big ammount of 1.500.000 Bath almost 37.000 €.

Stay tuned on to get updated on Muay Thai news!
