Sittichai Sitsongpeenong & Warren Stevelmans at Max MuayThai

Sittichai Sitsongpeenong & Warren Stevelmans at Max MuayThai

event moved from Indonesia to Pattaya …”Pattaya caput mundi”

Max Muay Thai

Max Muay Thai

Sittichai Sitsongpeenong vs Juri Kehl

Sittichai Sitsongpeenong vs Juri Kehl


Aikpracha Meenayothin vs Warren Stevelmans

The show Max Muay Thai is enhanced by the introduction of Sittichai Sitsongpeenong, that after the judges stole his victory, in Rome, against Enrike Gogokia (Sittichais debut in kickboxing-Glory Rules), now he’s gonna face the young German Juri Kehl, who defeated one of the Sitsongpeenong students Andi Rögner.

Even if Juri Kehl is taller, shouldnt be a problem for Sittichai;  initially  Alessandro Campagna, (Italy) was contacted to fight against Sittichai,  that could give problems to Sittichai, because of Alessandro’s good boxing and good rhythm on 3×3 fights.

Sittichai today is the best (Thai) fighter on 67Kg, after defeating Aikpracha Meenayothin (that avoids a return game) and Deijirit popteeratam (at Toyota Marathon final).

An other good fight is Aikpracha Meenayothin vs Warren Stevelmans (debuts in Muay Thai).