Card / Streaming: Thai Fight ft Saechai, Sudsakorn, Sayiok etc – Bangkok – 20/08/2016
A new edition of the well known Muay Thai event, Thai Fight, will take place on Saturday, 20th August 2016 at KMITL (King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang) in Bangkok, Thailand.
As always the event will feature the Thai Fights main fighters, that are Saenchai, Sudsakorn Sor Klinmee, Sayiok Pumpanmuang, Payak Samui, Iquezang etc.
It is known that most of the time Thai Fights matchmaking are unbalanced, giving Thai athletes opponents of lower levels, but this edition will feature a couple of interesting matches that we want to point out: the Thai living legend Saenchai PkSaenchai who’ll face the strong Uzbek athlete Anvar Boynazarov and the Canadian Sean Kearney who’ll face the Thai Payak Samui.
We want to remind you that Thai Fight last edition took place on 23rd July 2016 in Bangkok (Results and videos).
The event will be broadcasted live on Thai TV Channel 3 from 6.20PM (GMT+7) – Link Streaming – If the link doesn’t work, follow this guide Link).
Card (partial):
- Sudsakorn Sor Klinmee (Thailand) vs Jian Kai Chee (Malaysia) -73kg
- Saenchai (Thailand) vs Anvar Boynazarov (Uzbekistan) -66|65kg
- Payak Samui (Thailand) vs Sean Kearney (Canada) -68kg
- Iquezang Kor. Runthanakeat (Thailand) vs Geroges-Remy Salomon (France) -70kg
- Victor Pinto (France) vs Julio Lobo (Brazil) -65kg
Also in the event: Sayiok Pumpanmuang & PTT Petchrungruang.
Chok Dee