Curiosity: scholarships for the young Muay Thai talents

Curiosity: scholarships for the young Muay Thai talents

Artigo em Português Train in Thailand at “7 Muay Thai Gym” with the best pro fighters  “7 Muay Thai” Gym in Rayong (Thailand) will launch a new interesting initiative for all Muay Thai fighters. In fact, during the period between March and June 2016, the camp will assign scholarships, with the goal of letting

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Card: Mathias and Carlos 7 Muay Thai at Sunday’s Super Muay Thai event – 28/02/2016

Card: Mathias and Carlos 7 Muay Thai at Sunday’s Super Muay Thai event – 28/02/2016

Another important fight for Mathias Gallo Cassarino in one of Bangkok’s top events at the moment, promoted by Buakaw himself. In fact, the Italian pride Mathias ‘7 Muay Thai’ will compete in Super Muay Thai‘s next event (live on Workpoint Channel) that will take place on Sunday (28th February 2016). Mathias will face the

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Video: Mathias Gallo Cassarino vs Rungravee Sasiprapa – The Circle – Barcelona

Video: Mathias Gallo Cassarino vs Rungravee Sasiprapa – The Circle – Barcelona

Rivalry and admiration between Mathias Gallo Cassarino and Rungravee Sasiprapa is an old thing. In fact, when he was just a boy, Mathias used to admire him on Channel 7, his aggressiveness was scary. He saw him win at least two CH7 stadium titles. The first time, Mathias fought Rungravee (Buakaws cousine) in

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The Italian magazine Samurai talks about Mathias Gallo Cassarino and 7 Muay Thai Gym

The Italian magazine Samurai talks about Mathias Gallo Cassarino and 7 Muay Thai Gym

This month on the Italian magazing Samurai, a full article about 7MuayThai Gym Captain Mathias Gallo Cassarino successes. Also in the magazine an interesting article on how to chose the best training camp in Thailand. Chok Dee

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Giuseppe Gentile & David Feoli protagonists at Laem Mae Pim (Thailand)

Giuseppe Gentile & David Feoli protagonists at Laem Mae Pim (Thailand)

David Feoli (Italy) will face one of most known athletes of Rayong province Innoy Sor.Samran (อินน้อย ส.สำราญ) previously known as Insiekaow Sitboonmee, who in 2012 faced a young Mathias Gallo Cassarino at Pattaya (Video). In the same event Giuseppe Gentile (Italy) will debut in Muay Thai and will face the young Thai fighter Watchara Kietmengklaeng

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Card: Mathias G. C. vs Suedam Khongsitta – Super Muay Thai (Buakaw) – 12 Dec 15

Card: Mathias G. C. vs Suedam Khongsitta – Super Muay Thai (Buakaw) – 12 Dec 15

As previously announced (News), on Saturday 12th December 2015, the 7 Muay Thai Gym (Rayong) “top” fighter Mathias Gallo Cassarino, will compete in one of today’s best MT events: “Super Muay Thai” organized by superstar Buakaw Banchamek and his manager. In fact Mathias has been personally selected by Buakaw, as the only Farang champion

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