Videos: Thai Fight | Proud to be Thai ft. Saenchai, Saiyok, PTT etc – 23rd July 2016

Videos: Thai Fight | Proud to be Thai ft. Saenchai, Saiyok, PTT etc – 23rd July 2016

Below results and videos of the well known Muay Thai event: Thai Fight (Proud to be Thai), that took place on yesterday night, 23rd July 2016 in Bangkok, Thailand. Results: Victor Pinto (France) wins by pts vs Han Zihao (China) P.T.T. Petchrungrueng (Thailand) wins by KO R3 vs Dmitrii Mordvinov (Russia) Saenchai P.K.Saenchai wins by

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Flash News: Antoine and Leo Pinto sign with Glory Kickboxing

Flash News: Antoine and Leo Pinto sign with Glory Kickboxing

In the last 2 years we assisted to many changes in the Muay Thai and Kickboxing worlds, such as the death and birth of some important events, mostly in China; also few Thai Muay Thai champions started to debut in the big international Kickboxing events. This trend not only influenced Thai

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Live Streaming: Thai Fight Vietnam featuring Youssef Boughanem, Sayiok, Saenchai etc

Live Streaming: Thai Fight Vietnam featuring Youssef Boughanem, Sayiok, Saenchai etc

Tomorrow, 24th October 2015 will take place in Vietnam a new edition of the famous Muay Thai circuit: Thai Fight. As usual great Thai fighters will compete in the event, such as: Saenchai, Sayiok Pumpanmuang, Payak-Samui, Iquezang, Sudsakorn etc. In this edition there will also be the return to Thai Fight’s ring of the strong

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