Card: Warriors Night 5 featuring Yodwicha, Panom, Vienot, Beausejour, Adrien Rubis etc | Warriors Night 5 | Paris | 11 June 2016

Card: Warriors Night 5 featuring Yodwicha, Panom, Vienot, Beausejour, Adrien Rubis etc | Warriors Night 5 | Paris | 11 June 2016

warriors-night-5-yodwicha-panom-vienot-beausejour-sana-warriors-night-5-paris-11616The great French  Muay Thai event “Warriors Night 5“, organized by the actor and former Kickboxer Jo Prestia,  will take place on 11th June 2016 at Gymnase Japy in Paris, France.

A nice card that features many “Top Fighters” such as the young Thai Yodwicha Kem MT, the veteran Panom TopKing and the French Jimmy Vienot, Johane Beausejour, Adrien Rubis and Mohamed Souane.

A nice matchmaking and interesting main event: Panom TopKing vs Adrien Rubis; Rubis is an excellent French athlete (former WPMF -76kg champion) who lives in Thailand and is followed by the Muay Thai legend Samart Payakaroon at Poptheeratham Gym; Panom is a strong Thai fighter who has won the WPMF & PAT titles and recently faced the French Yohan Lidon – Video.

Initially Saiyok Pumpanmuang was set to fight Samy Sana in the main event, but  that was eventually replaced with Panom vs Adrien; we want to remind you that Saiyok is one of the Muay Thai living legends who has won many prestigious titles in his career, like the LumpineeRajadamnern Stadium, Thai Fight, PAT and WMC , and tomorrow (30/04/2016) will fight at Thai Fight Samui event.

The young athlete Yodwicha Kem MTborn in’96, who has already won the important titles of Lumpinee Stadium, Omnoi St., PAT (135lbs & 140lbs) and  Sportswriters of Thailand Boxer of the Year, will face the French Jimmy Vienot.


  • Panom TopKing vs Adrien Rubis
  • Yodwicha Kem MuayThai vs Jimmy Vienot
  • Johane Beausejour vs Saro Presti
  • Mohamed Souane vs Dany Njiba
  • Guillaume Legal vs Tafari

Chok Dee