Muay Thai

Muay Thai

The Muay Thai, note also as Thai Boxe or Boxe thailandese,has been for a long time a discipline in which the Thais have had a strong athletic supremacy.In Thailand, the country of this sport and his/her uncontested competitive kingdon, the foreigners that practice it are by now a lot of

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Trainar em Tailandia

Trainar em Tailandia

Trainar em Tailandia Com inicio do periodo aonde muitos praticantes de Muay Thai chegam para treinar nos varios compos” em tailandia, achavo fosse interessante, ser de ajuda aos lettoris que tem que escolher onde ir para se entrainar. para isso intao a agenzia MuayFarang pode attender e sugestionar soluçoes para

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Grande evento internacional de Muay Thai em Pattaya

Grande evento internacional de Muay Thai em Pattaya

On June 14, 2013 will be held in Pattaya the “Muaythai super fight”, at the pier “Bali Hai”, place where was held for two times the Thai Fight. The program promises great show, in fact we can find great superstars in this event, as Singmanee Kaewsamrit (Champion: -2012 W.P.M.F. -22°

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(English) VIDEO MuayFarang Training @Sitsongpeenong

(English) VIDEO MuayFarang Training @Sitsongpeenong

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Trainar em Thailandia

Trainar em Thailandia


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Fale com os FATOS

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